
Never ending homework…

I finished my notes for week two’s PowerPoint on Friday. Created the template the other day and even though I’m done with my half, I’m still worried. I don’t know why but with this class I’ve developed an obsession with getting my homework done. NOW. So much in fact that I’m already working on my week four individual assignment since I’ll be missing that class and even though I’m going on vacation (FINALLY) I’m a little upset I’ll be missing the points from not showing up to class. But I really, really, REALLY need a vacation right now.

Aside from the tremendous amount of homework I’ve been needing to do, I’ve been trying to slowly crawl back into the things I usually do (oh the life of a college student). I’ve put off a lot of my reading, which is NOT good considering that publishers are waiting for my reviews and every email sent to remind me makes me hate myself a little bit more. Went on an adventure yesterday for the first time in a few weeks and it was somewhat successful.

I think today I’m just going to jot down some notes, and worry about the actual assignment when it’s that week. I just NEED to jot down the notes because next week we have to do a 12-15 slide PowerPoint on something totally different. Yes, 12 to freakin 15 slide and a 20 minute presentation. I’ll try not to pass out from stage fright. I CAN DO THIS. I can work for Disney and I can audition for a commercial but I can’t do a freakin presentation? I mean, really? Give yourself a little bit more credit Aries.

It’s been raining like crazy lately. I swear winter decided to come late, because it’s been FREEZING too. Remind me again why I ever liked winter? I miss rainy days in Florida, they were so much better and much more exciting. Lightning, buckets of rain and sky cracking thunder. Oh I miss it! California, you have NOTHING for me anymore. Besides maybe really good authentic Asian food.

Anyway, I need to finish these notes so I can get around to doing my chores (a woman’s job is never done!), the mess in this room is seriously starting to annoy the hell out of me.

I got Angry Birds Space last night (whoo for finding out you have $2 left on your iTunes credit)! There’s a new bird!! I haven’t played it yet, but I’m excited! I hated Angry Birds when I first started playing it, but like all other puzzle games, I ended up loving it. It’s my calming game. Until I can charge my DS and get back on some Zenses! I also finished the Cinderella world on Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep and now I’m at Snow White world, which I’m NOT excited for. I guess I started over with Aqua before I stopped playing. She’s level 3 and I need to level her a little bit more… another world I’m not looking forward to? Stitch world. That space ship irritated the hell out of me last time. Hopefully it’ll be a little smoother this time. Either way, I need to finish Birth by Sleep already so I can play ReCoded. Which I got the day it dropped but haven’t even opened it yet (and it’s been what, a year almost?). Blahhh.

Cold days make me feel soooo unproductive!!